AQUAPOLIS Android Game: Develop your own city under water (Review)

AQUAPOLIS Android Game: Develop your own city under water (Review) -

Aquapolis is derived from the Latin word "aqua" meaning "water" and the Greek word "polished" meaning "city". With that in mind, you can easily perceive what the game is all Android AQUAPOLIS volte a city under water.

The Aquapolis game developed by CandyGrill is a kind of simulation game. It identifies the manufacturer, developer, and the farmer within the user. Be entertained by the colorful fish swimming nearby, underwater flowers, coral, and discover the mysterious cave creature

To better understand what I mean, download the game which is available for iOS and Android and Let's Get!

Build a Aquapolis- megapolis! (FREE)

Aquapolis begins with a story-telling familiar with the animated play. A long driveway spaceship with three passengers traveling to the Earth have been surprised to see what has become of the world. As they grasp reality, they came to meet the citizens Aquapolis that can communicate with humans using telepathy. Teacher, Lana, and the captain will guide you on your journey. Then the adventure begins. Aquapolis involves agriculture, city building, experiences and educate underwater creatures that you encounter along the way. The game adds pieces of experiences, ideas and knowledge with the words you do not experience in normal games. I must say; this game will stir your curiosity.

AQUAPOLIS Android Game review

In the Android Aquapolis game, your first task is agriculture. First you need to farm edible food for you and the citizens submarines to survive. Construction of a village under water in a submarine thriving modern city requires patience, knowledge and perseverance. From a small plot, quests for marine agriculture begins. There are forty five technologies to learn as you go about the game. It includes agriculture, production of flour, sugar production, meat production, and much more.

Agriculture, the first technology begins by planting lotus wheat. You must complete both a technology before moving to the next. And you have to build your home and a place for citizens because they are housed in a shabby hut. Once construction of the building is done, cut the ribbon to open. Aquapolis includes four major types of buildings; they are residential, production, attraction and decoration. The residential context Aquapolis from simple Bungalow, a charming cottage in the high-rise building and skyscraper. But you can not move Bungalow skyscraper without acquiring the necessary tools. As you improve technology and building your skills, there will be land available to buy at certain levels. After reaching levels that let you buy land, this will be your opportunity to grow your city, adding more fields to your property, build more buildings to expand your farm and build roads to make your city accessible for improvement. You have to educate citizens submarines and stimulates the economy. You can buy or sell items to citizens submarines. Remember, they know how to negotiate!

It's easy to keep track of your improvements, tools, precious stones, and parts thanks to elegant buttons at the bottom of the game screen. You can press any button at any time to refresh your memory.

As you develop your city, you will discover great mysteries, which makes the game more exciting to explore. But you unlock secrets in some levels, keeping in mind that you have a city to heal. Taking your buildings to new heights is only part of the challenge. You must maintain your farm, roads and buildings in good condition, too. You must repair them using special tools. As it does in the real world, so it is both in Aquapolis.

Maintaining cleanliness is also an important task in Aquapolis. level balanced ecology must be preserved. It is one of the things you should not neglect your city grows. Each production building you build lowers the level of ecology. Piles of garbage is a sign that your level of ecology dropped below zero; Meanwhile, the flowers will develop around the city if your level of ecology is average. Maintain your standard of ecology and gain more silver coins when you bring flowers and remove garbage.

From Day 1 of your Aquapolis quests, you can have bonus to save in your storage box. Login every day to claim your daily bonus. Collect keys to open the treasure chest that contains tools, coins, food supply, precious stones, maps and more.

Aquapolis You can link your Facebook account and play with friends who also play the game. This way you can provide assistance or request assistance in repairs of your city. Or you can be adventurous and be prepared to compete for the lead.

+ Good stuff

  • Animated tale
  • Great visual animation
  • Good audio
  • many of advancing technologies to learn
  • many things to discover
  • Easy to learn and play

-. Bad things

  • Lack of tutorial on Aquapolis might discourage beginners


Download Aquapolis Build-a megapolis! (FREE)

CandyGrill done quite well with Android AQUAPOLIS game provide the essential elements of a simulation game, the unique setting and a new approach to the concept. People who like agriculture and construction will love this game in particular with the fact that you have to build everything under water.